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Hi there! I’m Dave, a software guy. I’m a long-time programmer - I learned to spell from Sierra’s King’s Quest, began writing text adventures in GWBASIC on my school’s computer when I was 11, and wrote a lot of QBASIC text adventure games in junior high. In high school I wrote some RPG frameworks in Visual Basic (just the framework, I never finished any games). In college, I wasted an incredible amount in time programming MUSHCode, and in grad school I spent my burnout time programming a chess engine. Nowadays I work from home for Atlassian.

It often feels a cosmic joke that all these trivial childhood obsessions led me to a career and a pretty good life beyond that. I’m a runner, a Dinosaur Jr. superfan, and an all-time father. Life is busy but it’s always kind of wonderful.

Outside of work, I learn algebraic number theory, futz with cryptopals and Advent of Code, and hack on a new chess engine. I try to read when I can.

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